1-Day Competition
We are excited to announce our upcoming 1-Day Basketball Competition! This event promises to be a thrilling experience for all participants, featuring teams from three different age groups: U12, U14, and U16. Each team will compete in a series of matches throughout the day, culminating in exciting finals for the top two teams in each age group.
We are thrilled to share that Mortgage Station is the official sponsor of this event. Mortgage Station is a trusted name in home financing, helping individuals and families achieve their dream homes with personalized mortgage solutions. We are incredibly grateful for their support in making this event possible. Their generous support ensures that this competition will be one to remember.
Competition Schedule Overview
- Date: 15 December 2024
- Location: Hills Basketball Stadium
- Duration: 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
- Court Availability: 2 courts
- Game Duration: Running time, 2 halves of 18 minutes each
- Awarding Ceremony: 4:50PM
Key Information
- Age Groups:
- U12 Boys (born 2013 or later). Must be 11 years or younger on 31 Dec 2024.
- U14 Boys (born 2011 or later). Must be 13 years or younger on 31 Dec 2024.
- U16 Boys (born 2009 or later). Must be 15 years or younger on 31 Dec 2024.
- Team Composition: A team must have a minimum of 6 players to a maximum of 10 players for this competition.
- Format: Each team will play a minimum of 3 games against other teams in their age group, ensuring plenty of opportunities to showcase skills and teamwork. Top 2 teams in each age group advances to the Finals.
- Match Duration: Games will be played with running time in 2 halves with 18 minutes each half, allowing for high-energy competition. 1 minute half-time break.
- Ball Size: U12 will use size 5. U14 & U16 will use size 6.
- NO Zone: No Zone defence for U12 & U14. Teams must play man-to-man throughout the game.
- Timeouts: Teams are allowed 1 time-out (1 minute duration) per half.
- Substitutions: Coaches or team managers will be responsible for calling substitutions.
- NO Overtime: If the score is even at the end of the second half (during round games and finals), a golden point will be played to determine the winner. Golden point ball possession will start with a jump ball. First team to score wins.
- Personal Fouls & Technical Fouls: A player who has committed 5 fouls will be asked by the Bench/Scorers/Duty team to leave the game immediately.8th and subsequent team fouls per half time will incur bonus free throws (2 tries).
Bench Duties: 2 parents from each team playing must participate in bench duties each game.
- The teams playing will need to provide two (2) parents each to perform either of the following: Scoresheet or Time & Score Board
- Scoresheet (paper)
- Time and score board
- Parents on the bench must inform the officials and teams playing the match of the following:
- Timeouts and substitutions (while on running time)
- Players with 4 and 5 Personal fouls
- Awarding of ball possession (with the use of the arrow) - Competition points (applicable to the round games)
Win = 3 points
Loss = 1 point
In the event of a tie in competition points, the rankings will be determined using the total points calculated as follows: Total points won – Total points loss = Total points difference. Rankings will be based on the highest total points difference. - Awards: Trophies/medals will be awarded to the champions in each age group during the awarding ceremony at the end of the day.
Games will be held on two courts with a mix of age groups throughout the day. All teams will be present from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. A detailed schedule will be provided a couple of days before the competition, ensuring that each team knows when and where to play.
Registration Details
- Cost: $600 per team
- Minimum Players: Each team must have at least 6 players.
- Registration Deadline: Registration closes on 1 December 2024 or when 4 spots per age group are filled, whichever comes first.
- Number of Teams: We are only taking 4 teams per age group. To register, please use the form below. Note that an age group will be removed from the registration when full capacity is reached. Please register early to get a confirmed spot.
Individual Player Registration
- If you don't have a team but you would like to play, you can register below as an individual player.
- Individual player registration fee is $110 (including the coach's fee).
- The team formed from individual registrations will have 8-10 players
- The team will be assigned a coach once formed.
Additional Information
- Health & Safety: Ensure the players are fit to play 3 or more games and do not suffer from any condition that could place them and other players at risk.
- Referees: Certified referees will officiate all games to ensure fair play.
- Communication: All registered teams will receive the draw a couple of days prior to the event.
- Questions: Please send an email to info@maharlikasports.com